Here are answers to a few of the questions most frequently asked by our customers.

Why should I outsource my cleaning or janitorial services?

Simple. It often saves you time and money. Due to our many years of experience and professional equipment we can complete office and business cleaning tasks more efficiently than in-house crews. This allows you to spend your time and money on growing your business. We recommend not expending your energy cleaning after a long day of work when you can outsource that cleanup to experts. We can also easily scale to meet growing demand or new locations added to your business, which takes the responsibility for smoothly scaling cleaning services off your shoulders as your business increases in size.

Are you licensed and insured?

Definitely. Our staff are fully trained, licensed and insured to clean your office, factory, manufacturing facility or other commercial space.

How can I get a quote and are quotes free?

Yes, quotes and estimates are free. You can obtain a quote for your potential cleaning project by either using the simple and quick form in the left column of this website or by using the contact details shown on our Contact Page.

What are your hours for commercial cleaning?

Our hours and work schedule are flexible to suit your business needs.

Request a free estimate

Special Promotion: For a limited time, sign up for a 1 year cleaning contract and receive an iPad 2 or a Flat Screen TV. * Subject to availability. May not be combined with any other offer. Call for details.